If this is your first Ronen concert
What is the meaning of Ronen?
Ronen, in Hebrew, means joyously singing!
When should I arrive?
Plan to arrive 15 minutes before the concert. That will give you ample time to find a seat and read the program notes.
Where will my seats be?
Ronen concerts are open seating. Choose a seat where you can see the musicians and enjoy the concert.
When do I applaud?
Typically the audience applauds when the musicians come on stage and then at the end of each piece. Please do not applaud between movements. If you are not sure when to applaud, just follow the rest of the audience!
Can I bring a cell phone or camera?
Ronen requests that you be sure to turn off your cell phone or beeper during the concert. We also ask you to refrain from taping the concert or taking photos during the performance.
How long does a performance last?
A typical Ronen performance will be about 90 minutes. In the case of a longer performance, a brief intermission will be included.
Can I meet the musicians?
Yes! Mingling of audience and performers in the lobby may take place and on certain dates, Ronen’s famous receptions will be provided.